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The East-West Short Route


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Charles Tomashek's #902

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Charles Tomashek's very unique model of GBW #902, an Alco RS-27 which had a Chicago & North Western paint job when it first began working on the GB&W.

About GBW #902:

This Alco RS-27 was one of four built in 1962 for the Chicago & North Western Railroad.  The GB&W began acquiring several of the locomotives in a piecemeal fashion in the late 1960s.  C&NW #902 joined the roster as a leased unit in January 1967.  After a two-year stint with the unique hybrid paint scheme that Charles' modeled, the locomotive joined #903 to be  the first to get the "all-red" locomotive paint scheme.  The engine was retired in 1984.

About Charles Tomashek:

Charles'  interest in modeling the GB&W is the whole line (impossible, but fun to dream) and the era for him is 1966 when the railroad  handled the Ford auto parts train and had 86 foot hi cube boxcars to contribute to the St/Paul Ford plant pool.  He also likes that era because in July-August 1966 the GB&W had the Alco C-415 demonstrator. He enjoys collecting Green Bay Route information as much as modeling.

As Charles tells it:

"The process began with a photo of the prototype units and a brass model from Overland Models.

"I noticed the decal was approximately twice as large as either of the common diesel decals then in use by the Green Bay & Western. Upon reading I found it was a standard freight car decal. No one had yet produced a correct freight car decal, so I obtained 48MB scans and overlaid the scans with scale drawings of the freight car in question to scale the image properly. I am sure it is accurate to within a scale inch or less.  The decal had to be mounted a little high because of a seam in the model cab side area."

"My plans are to produce decals for all the rolling stock GB&W owned in the 1966-68 era.

"I had some other decals ready for printing at the time including the Ford pickup door decal and the wood caboose decals so they made it on the sheet as well. In my research I found two slightly different styles of lettering manifested in the shape of the G so both are represented on the decal sheet."

This loco was featured on the cover of the January 1968 Railroad Model Craftsman.  It is still at work in the twenty-first century, hauling freight on the Minnesota Commercial Railroad.

Charles says he would love to hear from GB&W fans, he can be reached at  He also says that the model is for sale; so if you like what you see, ask him about it!

Related material:

Charles Tomashek photo.
This photo may not be reproduced without permission.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated April 15, 2012

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated July 11, 2015