Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route
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GBW 55 (1983)

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Thrall Door boxcars arrived in the early 70s. They were used to carry hardboard products to Ford plants in the Detroit area. Some cars (#53, perhaps others) had 'WHEN EMPTY RETURN TO AGENT, B.N.R.R. DULUTH MINN.' in small lettering; others (#55, perhaps others) had 'WHEN EMPTY RETURN TO AGENT, C.M.ST.P.&P.R.R. COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO'.

Fred Hoeser photo , 1983.04.23 Winona, Minn..
This photo may not be reproduced without permission.

Official Railway Equipment Register data:

GBW 50 to 55   (6 cars)
ORER description: Box, All Stl., Cush. Und. AAR Mech. Designation: LU
Dimensions: 50'-6" IL x 9'-2" IW x 9'-6" IH Capacity: 4397 cu. ft.; 140000 lbs
Doors: 25'-0" W x 9'-6" H
ORER car totals
& dates:
0 (4/71); 2 (1/72); 2 (4/72); 2 (4/73); 6 (1/74); 6 (4/75); 6 (1/76); 6 (1/77); 6 (7/78); 6 (1/79); 6 (1/80); 6 (1/81); 6 (1/82); 6 (1/83); 6 (1/84); 6 (1/86); 6 (1/87); 6 (1/88); 6 (1/89); 6 (1/90); 6 (4/91); 6 (1/92); 6 (7/93);

Go here for a link to full ORER data, including comments on car series GBW 50 to 55.

Modeling links:

Freight Car Models A list of manufacturers, models, and car numbers of Green Bay Route freight cars.
Modeling Tips A compilation of tips on producing models of specific types of Green Bay Route cars.
Decals Past and present sources for Green Bay Route decals and dry transfer lettering.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated July 11, 2015