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Craig Wilson modeled a unique Green Bay & Western 40' boxcar which is not available as a commercial model.

GBW/MILW 40' PS-1 Boxcar with 9' Door from E&C Shops Kit
by Craig Wilson

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Cutting the body down to length; adding the ends and roof.

Photo 2

The E&C Shops boxcar body must be cut down to a 40-foot length. The most reliable way to do this is to center the InterMountain Railway roof on the body and mark the places to make the cuts. Find the center point of the car body and mark it. The length of body will be a scale 39 3/4 feet or 19 7/8 feet from both sides of the centerline. It is a good idea to cut the body slightly oversize then carefully file and sand it to the finished size. Keep test fitting the Intermountain roof to the body to check your progress. It is also essential to make the cuts square (both vertically up the sides and horizontally across the body) as this is difficult to correct later on.

Photo 2 shows the GBW body marked for the cuts and the MILW body already shortened.

Once the bodies have been cut and the edges sanded to a final fit, install weights in the bodies. After this is done, glue the Intermountain ends to the body. Test fit the roof as you are doing this. I usually add a shim of Evergreen styrene strip under the roof edge. The bottom edge of the Intermountain sides should match up evenly with the bottom of the E&C Shops boxcar body. Once this is done, glue the Intermountain roof the body/end assembly. (At this point you will have a sealed box which is why the weights must be added earlier!)

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated July 11, 2015